Bruthaz Grimm - Letter 2 Tha Bruthaz (1999)

1. Intro 
2. Letter To Tha Bruthaz 
3. Fly Or Fall Away 
4. Be Not Envious 
5. Me 
6. Disciple Me 
7. History 
8. Little Girls 
9. Darkest Hour 
10. Sistaz 
11. Seedz 
12. Let It Alone 
13. Pagans 
14. War 
15. The Message

Um comentário:

  1. Yo!

    Love your site, I spent the last 3 days browsing through all the pages of it... Louisiana rap is also nice so i wanted to know if some links exchange was possible with my site

    Keep dropping dope rare shit and get back at me!



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